Plineroot Website

Signal RSA/VR symbol generator

ver 1.1. Now with symbol angles!   Click here for reference image.


String Code Import/Export:

Save this string to regenerate later!
 Signal Type: Absolute (Home/Interlocked) Permissive (Automatic) Repeating

 A arm   Light    Special  
Semi-Automatic Automatic
Stick Semi-Stick Non-Stick

Possible Positions
0° / Red 45° / Yellow 90° / Green

Position Shown on Symbol

0° / Red 45° / Yellow 90° / Green

 B arm  Marker    Light    Special  
Semi-Automatic Automatic
Stick Semi-Stick Non-Stick

Possible Positions
0° / Red 45° / Yellow 90° / Green

Position Shown on Symbol

0° / Red 45° / Yellow 90° / Green

 C light  Enable    Light    Special  


Possible Positions
0° / Red 45° / Yellow 90° / Green

not fully implemented yet:
- repeating signals

- export as png
- dwarf only option
- route & speed indicators
- 'A' indicator